Detailed Analysis of Hariom Pipe Industries Ltd.
Market Cap: 1600 Cr.
5 year Sales CAGR: 44%
5 year Profit CAGR: 48%
ROE: 20%
ROCE: 17%
Let’s, deep dive into it
Business Overview:
Hariom Pipe Industries Limited is an integrated manufacturer of multiple industrial pipes & tubes
With a diverse product portfolio consisting of Mild Steel (MS) Billets, MS, GP, GI Pipes and Tubes, HR, CR, GI Coils, Scaffolding Systems, Metal Crash Barriers
Product Profile:
Sponge Iron: Raw material for making Pipes; It’s an alternative to Scrap/Patra (Better quality than Patra)
MS Billets: It’s pure steel (Metal Bar)/Semi-finished steel
HR strips: Again a semi-finished iron or steel
Both of these are used for making Pipes or tubes
MS/HR Pipes: Co. manufacture square, rectangular, circular and D-shaped sections pipes
HR pipes up-to a maximum size of 250x250mm for square sections, 300x200mm for rectangular
sections and 300mm NB (nominal bore) for circular sections. The thickness can vary from 2mm to 6mm
GI Pipes: Galvanized pipes are steel pipes that have been dipped in a protective zinc coating to prevent corrosion and rust. These pipes are used earlier for water supply in home; it is made from GI Stripe, which are again made inhouse
GI Pipes are high margin pipes
Scaffolding, Tube Accessories and Fittings:
Scaffolding is used in construction activity, both buildings and other infrastructure construction. Scaffolding is used for variety
of purposes including ease of construction process and safety of workers
Catering to wide Industries like:
-Solar Power
-Steel Industry
Scaffolding is used in construction activities
This makes end-users diversified in nature & reduce concentration risk
Distribution Network:
Hariom Pipe has a strong distribution network of 1,400 distributors and 1,500 point of sales in:
o Andhra Pradesh
o Karnataka
o Tamil Nadu
o Kerala
o Maharashtra
o Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Puducherry
Mainly catering to South & Western India
Production Process:
Hariom is Vertically & Backward integrated in manufacturing Pipe & Tubes Process
-Major raw material for this process comprises MS scrap, sponge iron and pig iron
-Through sponge iron & scrap, HR Stripes are made and from HR Stripes, Pipes & tubes are made
MS Steel Pipes are manufactured by using the process called Electric Resistance Welding (E.R.W).
As the company is Vertically integrated it makes sponge iron internally
Sponge iron is made from Iron Ore, which company procure through E-Auction
Industry Overview:
-After Europe and China, India is amongst the top-3 steel pipe manufacturers in the world with
capabilities to manufacture crude steel to value-added steel products, including pipes & tubes
-Availability of raw material, cheap labor & ability to produce steel at low cost have supported India’s
progress in the steel pipes & tubes industry. In terms of steel consumption, India stands amongst the top-3 countries in the world
Per Capita Cons. of steel is still very low
Indian Steel Pipes & Tube Industry:
India’s steel pipes & tubes market is currently estimated at ~Rs 600-700bn in value and ~11-12mtpa
in volume terms
It is expected that Indian Steel industry will grow at 7-8% CAGR for next 5 year
Hariom manufactures ERW & HSAW Pipes:
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Types of Steel Pipes & their key features:
-DI Pipes are commodity Pipes
-ERW Pipes have wide usage & are little value additive in nature compared to DI Pipes (ERW Pipe market is expected to grow at 8-10% in future) aka Future growth driver for Pipe Industry
Key Competitive Advantage of Hariom Pipe:
Key Variant Perception playing out:
Sources of Future Earning Growth:
Peer Comparison:
-Indian Steel Pipe Industry is highly fragmented & dominated by large organised steel pipe players like APL Apollo & various unorganised Patra based manufacturers
-Its closest competitors are APL Apollo, Hi-tech Pipes, JTL Industries & Surya Roshni
-Highly competitive & Cyclical Industry
-All players are doing Capex this can impact industry profitability
-Low margin Acquisition of R.P Metals
-Last year Cash flow turn -ve (need to track the CFO conversion)
-Debt has increased for WC needs
-Finance cost & Dep increase as Debt & Capex rises(this can impact margins & PAT in short term)
-Contribution from low margin product impacting margins
-Concentration risk: Top 10 customer contributes over 50% of sales
-China dumping low price pipes in India & other countries
My Estimates (can be totally wrong):
Strictly, No Recommendation
Disclosure: Invested & can be Biased
Note: Can’t able to Put proper Analysis with Images cauz of New Member restriction. If anyone want to read full analysis, one can check my twitter profile:
I hadnt done Financial Analysis as one can check screener for it!!
16 Likes Souresh_Pal 2Did they have MS Pipe Mills, Galvanised Pipe Mill
and Cold Roll Mill earlier or they have added this facilities new in their plant which started commercial production in last of days of June?
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Disclosure: Studying.
Through Borrowing & IPO Money expanded Capacity of Sponge Iron, Piping Mill & Rolling Mill in Mahabubnagar & Anantpur Plant
Through R.P. Metals Asset Purchase entered into manufacturing of GI Pipes in Perundurai
Now, Hariom Pipe has 3 Manufacturing Units
++ They had also added GI Plant Mill in Mahabubnagar Plant
2 Likes Arka 4
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Hariom Pipe Industries Ltd. (HPIL) has reported its financial performance for the quarter ending September 30, 2023. Here are the key highlights:
Operational Performance:
Financial Performance:
Performance Summary (Q2 FY24):
My Take on Q2 Results:
Not so WoW Results, but justified a deep look
-Revenue up 138% YoY n 26% QoQ
-EBITDA up 127% YoY n 26% QoQ
-EBITDA Margin at 12.17% vs 12.78% YoY vs 12.17% QoQ
-PAT up 59% YoY n -4% QoQ
-OCF weak -60.8 Cr vs -23.8 Cr
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Looking weak,
But a deeper look
Why PAT Growth lower?
-High Int & Dep Exp (Cauz of Capex)
Why Int Higher?
-Weak OCF (last 1 year -ve CFO)
Interesting things:
-Volume Growth is much higher 134% YoY n 28% QoQ